Chaplains International Basic Chaplain Training (BCT)

Course ID: BCT110

29-Weeks of  Training
Price: $60 USD / month for 8 months
($480.00 USD Total)

Chaplains International’s Basic Chaplain Training (BCT) is a cutting edge training that is vital for chaplains at all levels of expertise, beginners and veterans alike.

This program delivers wisdom, knowledge, and understanding on a wide range of relevant topics needed by chaplains in the field.


Week 1: Introduction to Industrial Chaplaincy (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Pastor vs Chaplain
TOPIC B: Chaplains in Law Enforcement Overview
TOPIC C: The Fire Chaplain Overview
TOPIC D: Prison Ministry Overview
TOPIC E: The Hospital Chaplain Overview
TOPIC F: The Hospice Chaplain Overview
TOPIC G: The Corporate Chaplain Overview
TOPIC H: The Three Levels of Chaplaincy
TOPIC I: Ecclesiastical Endorsement
TOPIC J: The Professional Paid Chaplain
TOPIC K: The Volunteer / Reserve Chaplain
TOPIC L: Visitation Chaplains

Week 2: Chaplain . Volunteers in Prison (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Pastor vs Chaplain
TOPIC B: Chaplains in Law Enforcement Overview
TOPIC C: The Fire Chaplain Overview
TOPIC D: Prison Ministry Overview
TOPIC E: The Hospital Chaplain Overview
TOPIC F: The Hospice Chaplain Overview
TOPIC G: The Corporate Chaplain Overview
TOPIC H: The Three Levels of Chaplaincy
TOPIC I: Ecclesiastical Endorsement
TOPIC J: The Professional Paid Chaplain
TOPIC K: The Volunteer / Reserve Chaplain
TOPIC L: Visitation Chaplains

Week 3: Duties of the Emergency Service Chaplain (2 hours)

TOPIC A: Pastor vs Chaplain
TOPIC B: Chaplains in Law Enforcement Overview
TOPIC C: The Fire Chaplain Overview
TOPIC D: Prison Ministry Overview
TOPIC E: The Hospital Chaplain Overview
TOPIC F: The Hospice Chaplain Overview
TOPIC G: The Corporate Chaplain Overview
TOPIC H: The Three Levels of Chaplaincy
TOPIC I: Ecclesiastical Endorsement
TOPIC J: The Professional Paid Chaplain
TOPIC K: The Volunteer / Reserve Chaplain
TOPIC L: Visitation Chaplains

Week 4: Emergency Protocols (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Command Structure
TOPIC B: Emergency Call Outs
TOPIC C: Providing Information
TOPIC D: Incident Command Protocols
TOPIC E: Prison Riots
TOPIC F: Arriving on the scene of a Traffic Accident
TOPIC G: Communicating the Right Way
TOPIC H: Ride Along
TOPIC I: Radio Traffic

Week 5: Pastoral Confidentiality and Ethics (2 hours)

TOPIC A: Confidentiality – Case History
TOPIC B: Mandated Reporter
TOPIC C: Gratuity and Favors
TOPIC D: Chaplain Badge and Uniform

Week 6: Dealing with Suicidal People (2 hours)

TOPIC A: Suicide Call outs and on Scene Protocols
TOPIC B: The Jumper or Man with a Gun
TOPIC C: Attempted Suicide – Do’s & Don’ts
TOPIC D: Zone of Safety
TOPIC E: Common Misconceptions about Suicide
TOPIC F: Asking Key Questions
TOPIC G: Look for Warning Signs

Week 7: Death Notifications (2 hours)

TOPIC A: In Person
TOPIC B: Time and Certainty
TOPIC C: Notifications in Pairs
TOPIC D: Use Plain Language
TOPIC E: Compassion During Crisis
TOPIC F: What Not To Say
TOPIC G: Viewing the Body
TOPIC H: WorkPlace Notifications
TOPIC I: Hospital Notifications
TOPIC J: Debrief the Chaplain
TOPIC K: Notification Specific to Suicide
TOPIC L: Survivors Response

Week 8: Biblical Counseling 101 (2 hours)

TOPIC A: Spiritual Counseling vs. Psychology
TOPIC B: Common Reasons for Seeking Counseling
TOPIC C: There are Two Major Reasons for Seeking Counseling
TOPIC D: There are Two Goals in Biblical Counseling
TOPIC E: There are Two Major Types of Counselees
TOPIC F: The Five-Step Process of Biblical Counseling

Week 9: The Building Blocks of Counseling (2 hours)

TOPIC A: The Three Building Blocks Needed to Build a Relationship During Counseling
TOPIC B: How to Empathize with Others
TOPIC C: Use Appropriate Non-Verbal Communication

Week 10: Gathering Information - Part 1 (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Listening and Observing the Counselee
TOPIC B: The Need to Gather Facts
TOPIC C: Digging Deeper
TOPIC D: Active Listening
TOPIC E: Listen Beyond Attitudes and Feelings
TOPIC F: Control the Flow of the Talk

Week 11: Gathering Information - Part 2 (1 hour)

TOPIC A: What is Halo Data?
TOPIC B: Learning About a Person from Body Language
TOPIC C: Material for Questions
TOPIC D: Productive Questioning

Week 12: Personal Assessment Forms (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Information Collection Tools
TOPIC B: Personal Discovery Assignment Form (PDA)
TOPIC C: Marriage and Family Information
TOPIC D: Discovering Problem Patterns (DPP)
TOPIC E: Taking Thoughts Captive Worksheet

Week 13: Biblical Process of Change (3 hours)

TOPIC A: Carnal Feelings vs. God’s Will
TOPIC B: Taking Responsibility
TOPIC C: Elements of True Repentance
TOPIC D: Renewal of Mind
TOPIC E: Maintaining Change

Week 14: Critical Situational Stress (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Dealing with a Recent Death
TOPIC B: What is Critical Situational Stress
TOPIC C: Counseling During Crisis Stress
TOPIC D: Preparatory Checklist for Debriefing
TOPIC E: Phases of Debriefing
TOPIC F: Common Immediate Stress Reactions
TOPIC G: Symptoms During a Crisis

Week 15: Traumatic Stress Reactions and Children (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Three Basic Postures
TOPIC B: Key Points When Dealing with Children’s Grief
TOPIC: Children / Post Crisis Behaviors
TOPIC D: Symptoms from Crisis
TOPIC E: Ways Parents Can Help Their Children

Week 16: Grief and Bereavement (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Grief Comes in Waves
TOPIC B: Obsession with the Death
TOPIC C: Definitions, a Quick Checklist
TOPIC D: Reactions to Grief
TOPIC E: When to Make a Referral

Week 17: Preparing for Approaching Death (1 hour)

TOPIC A: If They Die Today, Are They Ready to Meet Jesus?
TOPIC B: Normal Physiological Signs and Symptoms During Death
TOPIC C: Final Stages of Life
TOPIC D: Giving Permission
TOPIC E: Saying Good-Bye
TOPIC F: Bedside Manners
TOPIC G: Things to Know About the Dying
TOPIC H: Habits of Effective Comforters

Week 18: Healing Conversations (1 hour)

TOPIC A: Four Steps to the Conversation Process
TOPIC B: How to Counsel the Bereaved
TOPIC C: Communicating with Those in Grief
TOPIC D: What to Say and What Not to Say

Week 19 - Contraband and Search Procedures (1 hour)
Week 20 - Anatomy of a Setup (1 hour)