Couples Training
All relationships face challenges that they need solutions for. No matter how much you love and adore each other or when you started your relationship, struggles still happen.
Overcoming these challenges is possible if you have faith as small as a mustard seed, you can say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move. Nothing will be impossible for you.” ~Matthew 17:20-21 –
Discover through the courses contained below how you too can move the mountains and challenges from your life.

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Marriage 101
With the need to strengthen marriages growing with each passing year, Marriage 101: Back to the Basics serves as an invaluable component to help guard couples against the ever-present attacks that tend to erode marriages and families.
Topic 1: Marital Expectations
Topic 2: Communication & Emotional Intimacy
Topic 3: Personality Differences
Topic 4: Conflict Resolution
Topic 5: Spiritual Intimacy
Topic 6: Relating with Money – Part 1
Topic 7: Relating with Money – Part 2
Topic 8: Sexual Intimacy
Overcoming Financial Conflict
Are you suffering from any of the following financial challenges in your life? If so, this course is focused on developing open and honest communication between you and your spouse and helping you arrive at long-term financial plans for spending, saving, and investing while overcoming conflicts of finances.
- Arguments over the amount of money spent by you and your spouse.
- Arguments over the priorities regarding spending money.
- Critical comments about your spouse not making enough money.
- Arguments over the amount of money to be saved.
- Feelings of being left out of decision-making regarding the allocation of money.
- Suspicions that your mate is secretively spending money without mutual consent.
- Arguments over the need to save money for retirement.
- Arguments over “legitimate” methods of reporting income for tax purposes.
- Arguments over the need to shop for the best possible price on an item.
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