Microsoft Office Excel 2021
Organizations the world over rely on information to make sound decisions regarding all manner of affairs. But with the amount of available data growing on a daily basis, the ability to make sense of all of that data is becoming more and more challenging.
Fortunately, this is where the power of Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021 can help. Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction. It will also make these tasks much easier for you to accomplish, and in much less time, than if you used traditional pen-and-paper methods or non-specialized software.
This course aims to provide you with a foundation for Excel knowledge and skills, which you can build upon to eventually become an expert in data manipulation.

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Microsoft Office Excel 2021: Part 1
Excel can help you organize, calculate, analyze, revise, update, and present your data in ways that will help the decision makers in your organization steer you in the right direction.
Microsoft Office Excel 2021: Part 2
This course builds upon the foundational knowledge presented in the Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021: Part 1 course and will help start you down the road to creating advanced workbooks and worksheets that can help deepen your understanding of organizational intelligence.
Microsoft Office Excel 2021: Part 3
This course builds upon the foundational and intermediate knowledge presented in the Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021: Part 1 and Microsoft® Office Excel® 2021: Part 2 courses to help you get the most of your Excel experience.
Microsoft Office Excel 2021: Data Analysis with Power Pivot1
We are now living in the age of big data. Data is being collected all the time and for increasingly detailed transactions. This can lead to an overwhelming amount of data, which brings about a need for people who can analyze large amounts of data quickly. Learn the advanced tools of Excel 2021 to advance your data skills.
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